Friday, November 9, 2012

Google Docs Rock

As I continue my journey discovering not only the potential of blogging but also the components that really make it work as a resource I've now been introduced to Google Docs. They are similar to Microsoft Office but better in that you can share and collaborate with students or fellow teachers. I love the real-time feature that actually allows people to be working on the same document. As the teachers in the introductory video pointed out, they actually had students working on essays and poetry at the same time. And I found it interesting how one teacher observed that his students were doing this at 11 p.m. I put together a very basic spreadsheet but I plan to continue to explore these great tools for classroom applications.


  1. I couldn't agree more that Google Docs rock! I hope you come up with some great ideas for them!

  2. I agree the google docs feature is by far one of my favorites that they have introduced us to. I plan on using it alot for quizzes and guided reading activities with my 6th graders.

  3. I enjoyed Google Docs as well. I am looking forward to using thiem in my English class to grade.
